Forced to Move

By mdguest

I am a long time renter in a single family house in montgomery county maryland.  After 14 years I am being forced to vacate.  No reason listed just vacate on or before April 30, 2009.  I do not owe any monies to the landlord and loke I said have been there 14 years.  My house is in deplorible condition, I have requested on numerous ocassions for the black mold in the batheroom and the falling ceiling in the bedroom to be repaired, I also have a 14 year old carpet that is beyond steam cleaning can I expect a deposit back?  Do I need to replace the carpet?  I have had a general contractor come in and assess the repairs at over 3,000.00 should I submit that upon our walk through?

Thank you

Edited on: Monday, October 3rd, 2011 11:27 pm

2 Responses to “Forced to Move”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


February 24th, 2009 4:25 pm

I’m sure it is upsetting to be kicked out of your rental after living there for 14 years. However, it is common for property managers to get rid of long-term tenants in order to remodel the property. Landlords do this for several reasons, primarily to be able to increase rent. However, it can also be done in order to eliminate maintenance calls. As you mentioned, you have called several times about the black mold problem… management may not be able to actually resolve the mold problem until the rental is vacant. Who knows why you are getting the boot, but I’m sure they have their reasons.


February 24th, 2009 4:33 pm

As for your deposit…
Yes, you are still entitled to a refund. Even though you have been renting the same home for over 14 years you may be able to get a full refund. This really depends on one main principle that all landlords have to comply by when keeping a rent deposit; and that is to determine what is considered normal wear and tear. Even if the carpet is in horrible condition– it is probably not your responsibility to replace the carpet in your rental. If you have lived in the building for 14 years, the worn out carpet will have ran through its life cycle and be considered normal wear and tear. Most carpet should last 5 to 10 years, so the value of the carpet has been used and should be replaced without fear of losing your deposit.
I suggest giving your rental a deep cleaning, so that it can be rented out again in the condition you leave it in. I don’t think you’ll want to bring up the $3,000 repair quote…
Hope that helps…


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