Flea infestation

By janaenae

I have been in this apartment almost 4 months.  I’ve told the landlord 3 times that something is biting me.  The first time I told her, I had not even moved in the apartment.  I was still commuting and so the only thing I had in the apt was a couch. When I told the landlord the first time she asked about bedbugs. I told her that I didn’t even have a bed and the one/fist night that I stayed there, I didn’t sleep downstairs on that couch but upstairs in the bedroom on a brand new airmatress and I was bitten several times that night. I thought it was a mosquito that had gotten in the house.  I only wish it had been.  When she decided it wasn’t bedbugs, she says "it sounds like fleas".  She KNEW full well that it was probably fleas because when I was looking at the apartment, she mentioned to me that the girl two doors down use to live there.  After I moved in, I realized that that girl has 2 small puppies and has now moved into an apt with hardwood floors.  So after I moved in but still didn’t have any furniture other than a couch, she said that they could bomb the place.  So I had to bag all the clothes that I had relocated and hung up in the closets so that they could bomb.  I still had the other apartment almost 100 miles away so I had to go back there while it was being bombed and stay 1 or 2 nights.  I wouldn’t have minded all this inconvenience if it had worked but it didn’t.  Everytine I have mentioned it to her since then, she just says, Oh, I don’t know what it is.  It’s 5:51 in the morning now and I have been awake since 3:00 after only 2.5 hrs sleep.  I woke up because I accidentally fell asleep and left my right arm out from under the covers and I didn’t have on long sleeves and my arm was being eaten alive.  It felt like it was on fire and it woke me up.  I counted and took pictures of 6 bites that are now red and swollen and itchy and one of the worst parts about these bites is that if you scratch them, which because they’re itchy as hellll you will, when the swelling goes away, they leave black marks.  My arms now look like a dalmation dog except it’s black on brown.  I’m so utterly disgusted I don’t know what to do and I’m at my wits end but Monday, I am going to sign up for the legal services at work and if this problem is not fixed by early next year, I’m going to take legal action.  I mean, I can’t even move because I will have to buy a new couch, bed, rugs and have to launder all my clothes just to make sure I don’t transport any fleas. 

Edited on: Thursday, April 25th, 2013 4:57 am

One Response to “Flea infestation”

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April 26th, 2013 1:36 am

Hi Janaenae! Sorry to hear about your flea problem. What does your lease say about pest infestations? If it said that you are the one responsible for treatment and you approved of it by signing the lease agreement then there’s really nothing you can do but abide by it. However if is not then your landlord should pay for the treatment. If you have done your part and still nothing was ever done by your landlord then you can file a complaint against him. RPA can help you with your complaint. Good luck!

Flea infestation

By angry >.<

As a college student, I rent. My boyfriend and I both decided to rent a house, along with another girl he knew from school. Her parents owned the house and we thought everything would be fine and dandy. No. The day we came to move in, the house was so dirty! She didn’t even bother to sweep the living room floor. The room wasn’t even clean either. But we said ok it’s fine, we don’t want to be picky about everything since we know them. But not long after, we realized there was a very bad smell of cat pee coming from the closet. All of this ended up getting taken care of after arguments. As you can see, we came into this place and it was terrible from the first day. Well since we have to be here, we stayed of course and we do have our own cat. The girl did tell us AFTER we signed the lease, that there had been a prior flea infestation, but she hadn’t seen anything in about 6 months. Ok, awesome. Watch for fleas, sounds great. Yea, we did not notice anything, until we realized our air freshener was making our cat sick. We turned it off and let her get better, and after a day or two she was. But, she started to scratch herself all around her neck and back, which we had just assumed was from the rash she got from the air freshener. I called 3 vets, and took her to a nearby vet to see if there was anything wrong, if there were fleas or what. She said no, to just give her some benadryl and start some frontline. Ok, well we gave her the benadryl but she is still itching, and guess what we just found today? FLEAS. She has not ever been outside unless we took her somewhere. I would just like to know, is there anythin in the Tenant’s rights, that says that the  landowner has to pay for this, because I don’t think I should have to. The girl has a cat (indoor as well), but also has 4 chickens and 1 rabbit that live outside, which I think might be the cause.

Edited on: Sunday, October 2nd, 2011 8:27 pm

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