Feeling Scammed
By Elizabeth Blay
Hello, I am confused on how to go about to gain my $1,000 deposit back from my landlord. We moved into this condo about 2 weeks ago and since then almost nothing has worked. No heat, No washer and Dryer, No dishwasher, Broken nets in windows, and things that we could have not possibly have known. They told us everything worked and that if there was anything they missed, there is an Insurance policy with Homesheild but when we called Homesheild, they stated that there was no policy with them. The landlord then recalled the statement that it was a misunderstanding. The AC did not work at all and hasnt been clean in 10+ which an expert told us. The washer and dryer was a bust as well. Since they were heavily reluctant to fix all these problems , wanting us to fix all of them for under $580. The AC/Heater quote alone was about $329 and replacing the washer and dryer $300+. not including fixing nets, caulking the bathroom, ect. We read the tenant law and realized that they did not give us a list of the damage to the unit. There was alot of damage. We then agreed to move out and requested our $1,000 deposit yet, the landlord & agent are avoiding our phone calls. What do we do. We just want our Deposit. My neighbor told me that the landlord is among many foreighnors who buy condos, rent them out, and move out of the country and do not see them for months. They do not bother fixing anything. What do i Do?? WE JUST WANT TO LEAVE
Edited on: Tuesday, December 11th, 2012 11:04 pm
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