Fed Up !!!!
By danielle
I moved into my townhouse on May 1,2010. On May 16th, I had my first major water leak. I woke up that Sunday morning to find water pour from the light fixture in my kitchen, It had caused damage to the ceiling, kitchen floor and carpets from my living room, hallway and dining room. Luckily, none of my personal belonging were damaged. This is where the trouble started. My Landlord is using a Realtor of Keller Williams Realty to be his propert manager (PM). I immediatedly shut off all water to the unit and tried contacting the PM. When she finally returned my call, she expressed her sympathies and when into her whole story about how Sundays are her days off and she would contact the Landlord. Later that day, she again called me and told me the insurance adjustor would be out and asked if I would say that I was only visiting the unit, because the landlord had not yet gotten around to informing his insurance company that he was no longer residing there. She asked if I would just sign off on peper as my landlord. I, in turn, told her I would have no parts of it and that it was insurance fraud and that I intended to report her to the Board of Commissions for her Realty Code of Ethics, that she was sworn by. From that point on, she cut off all communications with me, except by email. I had told her from the start, I did not have internet at home and could only check my email by phone. Needless to say, no insurance adjustor ever showed, as it was a Sunday. ServiceMaster did come out and tear up the kitchen floor, ceiling and tear out all padding from underneath of the carpets. He also set up industrial blowers to dry out all the water. I know that the Landlord/Tenant Code states a Landlord has 30 days to complete all repairs. At 36 days, still nothing had been repaired. The Landlord, then decided he was going to hire a plumber on his own do to a complete plumbing replacement. This took over a month to have completed. The plumbing that was in the unit was now illegal, non pressure rated piping. This is why he decided to have it repaired. Before the work could be competed, on June 23rd, I had another significant water leak from the shower. This in turn caused water to pour out of the still exposed kitchen ceiling and wet the carpet again. I, myself got blowers to dry out the carpets for two days. To this date, neither the Landlord or the PM has ever been out to the property to see any of the damage. On July 8th at 2 am, I had my third water leak from the supply valves under the second floor bathroom sink. I again dried the carpets out myself for two days. Again, no one ever acknowledged the occurrance or came to see anything. It is now August 3rd, I contacted my PM about 3 weeks ago to let her know that all the plumbing repairs had been completed and for the Landlord to please have the dry wall contractor come out to start the repairs. Two weeks ago, PM informed me that the Landlord was still waiting for a return call from the drywaller. One week ago, PM informed me, landlord never received a return call and was going to contact the insurance company himself. I emailed the PM yesterday (8/2/10) and asked the status. She referred me to her email from the prior week and gave me a explanation of how hectic her real estate office has been with paperwork, etc. What this has to do with myself, my landlord and his insurance company, I have no idea. My Landlord was so kind, as to pay my $75 water bill for all my troubles, but has also so graciously cashed my $1100 rent check each and every month. To my advantage, since the PM refuses to deal with me via a phone call, I have every conversation that has ever transpired, in writing. Here is my question. My rent is now due again and I at so frustrated with being ignore and having myself and two young children living in these conditions, that I would like to just refuse to pay rent until ALL repairs are done. I look at this way, if it has taken this long to just find out about a drywaller, how much longer for the carpet contractor and flooring contractor. I just wanted some advise as to my rights as a renter, in this situation. I do not want to terminate my lease, and I do like the property. I have good relationships with all my neighbors and it is a perfect location for my daughter’s school and daycare. I am honestly, not in any position to move as I am a single mother and no monetary help from their father. I have no extra money for a new place, let alone keeping up with the bills. I feel it is unfair for the Landlord to be charging as much as he is. Anyone with any advise, please feel free to give it.
Edited on: Monday, July 9th, 2012 9:54 pm
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