Falsely accused of being a noisy neghbor.
By Anton
I am a new renter with a new family. I have a 3 yr old boy who is very quite. I just moved into a good apartment on the second floor. The neighbors above me are night owls and dont sleep the whole night but we are fine with moderate noise and dont complain. When a neighbor below us moved in with her two daughters, she started constantly complaining that we are making a lot of noise in the night hours. She blames us for vaccuming in the night, when we havent even taken out the vaccum for the past few days. And now I have recieved a notice to immediately stop all noise or we will be evicted. What should I do and how should I fight back for being falsly accused??? I tried talking to the neighbor below, but she still is out to get us… Please help.
Edited on: Tuesday, January 10th, 2012 7:58 pm
4 Responses to “Falsely accused of being a noisy neghbor.”
Jodie February 2nd, 2011 10:28 am |
My husband and I are in the same kind of situation: We received a notice and phone call from the landlord stating the we have been overly noisy (saying that there have been loud fights that sound like domestic abuse at 3 -4 AM) and threatened that if it does not stop they will evict us. We have never had any heated discussions, fights, arguments or anything else that could even remotely be considered loud nor have we even turned on our stereo. We watch our TV at normal listening levels that cannot even be heard outside of the unit door. Both my husband and I are flabbergasted at these accusations. My husband leaves the apartment at around 5 am every morning to go workout and then goes to work, I am up at 7 am every morning and go to work by 9am. We both go to bed around 9:30 – 10 pm every night even on the weekends, there are only the 2 of us there and we have no visitors, kids or animals. They have said they will call the cops if we do not stop……….I said please do, because there is no noise or problem in our home to report. This building is not very well built and you hear the upstairs and downstairs tenants all the time, but it is hard to tell in this building where the noise is coming from unless you stand in front of someone’s door. I know that we are being falsely accused and I want to know how we can protect ourselves. Can the landlord evict us just because someone is saying we are the problem, even when there is no proof of that? |
fighting.back March 22nd, 2011 12:31 am |
my wife and I are faced with a similar issue. My wife and I have, up to this point, been renting an apartment since July last year. |
Brandon September 9th, 2011 2:56 pm |
Hello my name is Brandon. I live in a downstairs apartment with my girlfriend of 5 years to be married as soon as i can find a cheaper apartment or house. Anyway to the problem this is my first time in a down stairs apartment, I used to live upstairs but when I tried to get out of here we just couldn’t come up with the money so we stayed and were forced to move into this apartment due to other tenants had already leased the apartment even though they never saw it and never showed up on date I was told either way. I met the new neighbors to the top right and bottom right no problem my girlfriend and I are actually really good friends with my bottom right neighbors. Then come the neighbors above me, a woman with 2 kids OK so what you know but then it starts to get really noisy kids running frantically above not just playing but kids will be kids I understand this, but the mother as well I swear the lady never learned how to walk up right it sound like a heard of elephants. So the one night I knock on the door and was greeted by another lady, who opened the door and immediately said its not a good time, so i passionately asked her if they could keep it down and be a little more neighborly and consider that there is someone living below you and she said this isn’t a good time her mother just passed and her husband not far before, I said i understand that but and then a door got slammed in my face. Call me crazy but wow, anyway then about a week or two later i let it go that night and then the noises just got worse from then on so i knocked again, my mistake of course. I am now standing at the door the lady is freaking out and telling some guy to answer the door , so he come down smelling of bourbon and obviously drunk and gets in my face and says who the He$$ are you to be knocking on my door You need to get the F^%$ off my property, I reply sure im in front of my door there for not your property anyway, could you please keep it down a little. The man of at least 50 then says well you need to take it to the apartments and I said you’d rather me report you then ask you as a man and a human being. Then he starts yelling again I lost my temper I felt as if I was being threatened so I got in his face and said if you keep it up im gonna call the cops I do not have time for this petty Sh^t. So I raised my voice obviously and still never called the cops my girlfriend came outside and pulled me inside while my neighbor sat on my couch and heard it all. The next day my girlfriend got a call from the manager of the apartment, telling her to tell me I cant threaten the lady up stairs, and the lady fears for her live she called the apartment and cried hysterically even though i never talked to her and the only threat I made was I would call the police, so now I received a a cease to stop for both night, the times are wrong and the date, and also I could be evicted if it happens again, even though my story was never heard I never got a phone call. The manager wouldn’t even listen to my girlfriend she said she wasn’t gonna loose a good tenant even though they just moved in and I had been there 3 years, and that the lady went through allot of hardship’s with her mother and her husband passing. OK my father was in the hospital for the past 3 weeks during all of this I’m running his company picking up the slack that’s a hardship , my girlfriends mother just got out of a cancer surgery which could have gone either way that’s a hardship. We all have hardships it affects us all differently but that is no reason to falsely accuse a man of a threat and get him evicted. The manager never contacted me about anything and called my girlfriend a liar basically taking sides without hear the other side how does that work I have two witnesses when they have non but I’m in question cause I threatened to call the police. What do you think any tips let me know please I don’t want to lose my apartment due to a liar and her alcoholic boyfriend or father or whatever, and manager on a hate trip . Thank you for reading this if you do and any info would help. Sincerely Brandon |
mw October 1st, 2012 12:18 pm |
OK> I can relate with all these situations, we are going through the same with a lady downstairs getting the landlord involved before talking to us directly because she has a hatred of animals (which we have 2 professionally trained, well behaved dogs), trying to get us evicted, and knocking on the floor at 2 pm on a Saturday for vacuuming,… ridiculous. But, how do you handle these kind of people? I’ve tried reasoning with her insanity, still no luck. Suggestions on dealing with people like this? |
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