Disturbing Landlord
By Shawn
Living at this residence of State Route 69, Oriskany NY was nice as long as you avoided the landlord. At times, my family and I would come out to our vehicles to go out driving, The Landlord would run up to us, say hello, and start talking about the neighbors next door to us. Especially and more so to me. The second tenants at this residence was who he mostly talked about and called her all types of slutty names and stated to me, and I quote, “ if you was to tell anyone I said any of this I would deny it”. K is a landlord that is up in everyone’s personal business. If I was in the back yard playing with my children on the playground, The Landlord would come over and gossip. I’m out having a good time with my children and The Landlord would come over and disturb my time with my children talking non-sense. I moved into this residence with the state of mind that I was going to live here peacefully or to myself with my family regardless of the differences my mate and I have had. Everyone goes to certain instances including the landlord as he has told me before. The Landlord would tell me about how binding his lease is on so many occasions, he’s a nu sense and extremely disturbing. I have to peek out of my blinds just to avoid him if I have to step out to the store or something. The Landlord also puts his dog outside his house on a leash so he knows if someone comes out of the residence, cause the dog would bark and kenny would come outside and start his gossiping or badgering of neighbors. Now that I’m avoiding going outside if he’s out there, he knocks on my door and starts his gossiping. I stop opening my door when I know its him. The Landlord has spoke about information to my partner on numerous occasions about me and even told the children things that wasn’t suppose to be revealed. Its a shame that my family and I can not live in peace at this residence due to the landlords disturbance. The house/apartment next to us has had 3 family’s there within a years time. The end of January, I have been there for 1 year and have seen 3 family’s in the next door residence. The Landlord has played these little “he said, she said” games even against his wife. He would say that she said something and when the wife was confronted, she would say she never said that. She even knows that The Landlord is a disturbing individual but she puts up with him. The Landlord included the basement as a part of the house unit that we rented in February 2010. We pay rent for this part of the house but yet he is storing his lawn furniture in the corner of the basement and has been since November 2010. That’s not right. In your face The Landlord will say nice things but behind your back he will talk about you like a dog. This is the landlord that my family and I have to put up with. To me this is harassment. Today, January 25, 2011, (this morning) The Landlord knocks at my door, disturb because I would not come over and “shot the breeze” with him that pass Sunday. We were signing a month to month lease and my other half went over to sign the lease and she brought mines over to be signed. The Landlord had a tantrum because I didn’t come over. Cried like a little baby. So this morning, he spoke about it and stated that he was not happy with my other half being back there for his own personal reasons I guess (discrimination) but yet, his wife is the one who asked her did she want to rent the house because they thought I was leave the premises. Now I was on my way to work and he disturbs me early in the morning. This is totally harassment now. What can I do about any of this without being evicted until my family finds another residence?
Edited on: Monday, February 6th, 2012 4:24 am
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