Crying Baby Complaint


I need some assistance.  I am a single dad of three young children.  I have been living in an apartment for the last three months.  I have a 2 year old that crys a lot even with consoling due to all of the changes in our lives recently.  They lost there grandmother to a heart attack, there mother is incarcorated and I am a full time working dad and single father.  I recently recieved a complaint from the landlord that one of my neighbors that are new to the building are complaining about my son crying randomly early in the morning and at night.  I cant seem to get any relief because of the crying.  I can not stop the crying other than being up all night with him consoling him, which I do every night.  The land lord is threating to evict me if I can not control the crying.  I dont know what to do, I just reviewed the lease and found nothing stating that a baby crying is a disturbance.  It seems that it would be an uncontrolable noise violation like someone that uses the restroom several times a night that keeps me up.  What can I do?

Edited on: Monday, March 19th, 2012 1:54 am

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