Complaint Regarding Parking Policy Provision
By Michael
I recently took the lease from someone who was renting an apartment with two other roommates. I moved there on a Sunday night, and that night realized that the parking stalls were numbered, and that there were signs indicating that violators of the parking policy would be towed at there own expense. Now, the property managers for this apartment hadn’t mentioned anything regarding a parking policy, and unfortunately neither had the person I was taking the lease from. My parking permit did have a number on it, "95", so I assumed that the stall that corresponded to that number would be my assigned stall, so I drove to that stall, however I found it to be occupied. I then checked the car’s permit occupying that stall, and several others to see if any of them corresponded to the stall numbers they were parked in, and found that none of the permit numbers did correspond to the stall numbers, so I felt safe in assuming that there wasn’t assigned parking, but that by having a permit you would then be allowed to park anywhere in the lot. However, I was incorrect in my assumption, and the next morning my car was gone; it had been towed, and it turns out that my assigned parking space was number 76. I petitioned to the property manager to have them reimburse the towing expense on the basis that none of the stall numbers correspond to the permit numbers, and also that I was never informed of the parking policy. They responded that they wouldn’t reimburse me the money, and that because I was taking over someone’s existing lease instead of signing a new one, that they had no obligation whatsoever of going over any apartment policies with me. I accepted their response, but just want to know if that is correct or if it would be sensible for me to pursue this any further. Any advice would be much appreciated, and I thank you for the time you took to read this.
Edited on: Sunday, September 9th, 2012 12:41 pm
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