Ceiling Fan Noise driving me crazy, Renter in need off advise.
By natassa soto
I moved to a new apartment in a new state two months ago. The apartment is great and the price is perfect, i have been here two months with no sleep! The lady downstairs has a ceiling fan, which vibrates my room, floor and bed, due to this I can not sleep at all. I have asked for them to look and fix the problem, after the third time they get back to me and say to me I just have to live with it, There is a noise like a very loud industrial frigerater! So today I stomped in the morning in my room cause once again I had to sleep on my couch. The lady down stairs placed a complaint, the latter reads:WE ARE RECEIVING COMPLAINTS ABOUT NOISE FROM YOUR APARTMENT DAY&NIGHT. WE DO HAVE A QUITE TIME FROM 9PM-9AM, BUT IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA TO TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION YOU HAVE PEOPLE LIVING AROUND YOU. Then a box checked VIOLATION OF RETAL AGREEMENT! Now I have made many complaints on this ceiling fan and they tell me to live with it. I have a temperpetic bed due to a very bad back ! so sleep is very important to me. How can I make them replace or fix or make her stop during this quite hours her ceiling fan? BTW none of the apartment come with ceiling fans in the bedroom only in living room so she put this fan in.
Edited on: Saturday, November 3rd, 2012 1:15 am
5 Responses to “Ceiling Fan Noise driving me crazy, Renter in need off advise.”
Marv March 27th, 2010 3:26 pm |
Hmmm…. Have you thought about talking to your neighbor? I would think that would be a lot better than stomping and making such an impression that your neighbor is forced to file a complaint against you. Your neighbor may not be aware of the problem it is causing you. Your neighbor seems to be able to sleep with it on, so it may not seem like a big deal to them. Maybe you could approach them quietly and politely to ask that they please turn off their fan during quiet hours. Personally, I think you’ll get a lot more accomplished by communicating with your neighbors. Nighty nite! |
Jeremy June 12th, 2010 4:31 am |
That is perfectly sound advice. I can only wish that more people would take this adult approach. So rare to see people act like real adults. |
Tim May 17th, 2011 6:25 pm |
I have the exact same problem. I didn’t know where it was coming from, so I asked all adjoining neighbors. No one had a clue. I endured a couple more week,s then sent a letter to the adjoining neighbors. The neighbor below realized it was her ceiling fan. She was good for awhile, then I started hearing it in the late afternoon, early evening, late into the evening. And I’ll admit, I did use heavy steps more than once, which she complained to me about. Then the noise got so bad I turned the tv to an off-channel (=white noise) and that drowned it out somewhat. Finally I sent another quick note asking if that was her fan (because you can’t be totally sure in an old apt. building) We’ll see, but she hasn’t responded, so I suspect it was. I wonder if she’ll lay off. Well, new job, so time to move on once the money is saved up. |
Martha May 21st, 2012 2:47 pm |
Same problem I had. Below unit had ceiling fans on ALL the time!!!! Long story short, I replaced all FOUR ceiling fans for them at MY EXPENSE! but that was cheaper than having to sell my condo at a loss. Sure, I still hear neighbors argue, cough, slam doors, etc… but that is to be expected and LIVABLE….. But that ceiling fan noise made me feel I lived inside a washing machine! My advice is Replace the fan at YOUR expense (make sure you buy one that has a stick attached to the ceiling and the motor hangs from the stick to reduce noise and vibration) hey, it will be worth it for a goodnights sleep. Believe it or not, you may think the neighbor would be greatful…..but I had to put up a fight and get the HOA involved and force her to let me go in her unit to replace the fans and she HATES me for it!!!! people are weird, they are so wrapped up in hatred that they dont know to be thankful for a blessing. |
Carole June 20th, 2012 12:36 am |
I had the problem once with the downstairs neighbors ceiling fan and the apartment complex went in an replaced her fan with one of theirs and I got no more noise. (blades are usually off balance when you get noise or cheap fan) and also some people use speed 3 when most ceiling fans can only handle 2 Then she purchased something that made a static noise after living in my apartment for 5 years and her for only one I purchased a patio home and moved out. Management was not to happy since I gave super great Christmas Gifts. |
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