Rachael |
TX |
Renter- Lease ending |
I have bat bugs in my apartment. They are extremely similar to bed bugs, but with a few differences. Anyway, since I moved in, July 2011, I have had this problem. I didn’t think anything of it because they had "went away" during the winter. However, this summer they became extremely bad. I have been […]
When you look into the many benefits that are associated with having your drains cleaned on a regular basis, the first advantage you will be able to see, is found with limiting potential blockages. Pipe or sewer blockages can be devastating to a home owners environment, as a result of a home owner’s inability to […]
Lots of Colorado Springs homeowners like taking advantage of a variety of different opportunities that will help them with maintaining the quality and efficiency of their home. Many home owners invest in lawn and garden tools and services, in order to maintain the outside appearance of their house. Other homeowners try utilizing various cleaning services to help […]
Michael |
RI |
Existing Renter |
Date: Sunday, September 9th, 2012 12:41 pm Category: Renter Q & A |
I recently took the lease from someone who was renting an apartment with two other roommates. I moved there on a Sunday night, and that night realized that the parking stalls were numbered, and that there were signs indicating that violators of the parking policy would be towed at there own expense. Now, the property […]
Date: Saturday, September 8th, 2012 12:23 am Category: Renter Q & A |
Are there any laws in Arkansas regarding the number of day a renter can go without heat due to a malfunctioning heating unit?
Date: Thursday, September 6th, 2012 9:52 pm Category: Renter Q & A |
i am currently living in an apartment for which i qualify for a modified rent. it is not hud but a program through the city i live it. my apartment does not have a ceiling fan yet when you go to the website for the community that is one of the included ammenities. i asked […]
Ronnie |
VA |
concerned child |
Date: Sunday, September 2nd, 2012 10:54 pm Category: Renter Q & A |
Hi my mom is disabled and is sharing an apartment with some friends, anyway I have recently found out with my eyes that thier place must have a nest somewhere. They have just recently brought a new mattress this summer 2010 and already its time for a new one becasue of the bed bug problem […]
Hi, I live in Tennessee. We have lived in this apartment for 17mos now. A lot of our problems started when neighbors moved in 3weeks before our 1st lease was up. Our apartments are setup like duplexes to give you a layout idea. The new neighbors’ boyfriend decided one night to beat the crap out of her, […]
Date: Saturday, August 25th, 2012 10:36 am Category: Renter Q & A |
I have a complaint with you guys and the landlord has responed what do i do next