Carpet Cleaning
By admin
I notified my landlord I will be moving out of their property and they stated that I am responsible for shceduling and paying for a carpet cleaning upon moving out. There is no mention of this is stated in my lease agreement. I asked why it wasn’t stated in my lease agreement their response was, ‘Well what if the move-out policy changes? That’s why it’s not in the lease.’
Do they have the legal right to force me to pay for a carpet cleaning if it’s not in my lease agreement and I’ve never signed any document agreeing to pay this upon move-out?
Edited on: Friday, October 29th, 2010 12:27 pm
One Response to “Carpet Cleaning”
Terry Walters November 29th, 2010 11:25 am |
I rented a commercial space for a 6 month period. She opened a pet grooming center. After 3 months my carpet in the building reaked of urine and feces so I told the tenant she would have to do something about that, My carpet was ruined so she ripped it up and painted the floor. at the end of her 6 month lease she decided to move which was fine with me but now I have no carpet in my building is she responsiblwe for replacing the carpet as it was when shew moved in |
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