Can your landlord do this?
By Connie
I have 2 special needs children,both of age. They rented an apartment here in Grove City ,Ohio and have been out of it for over a year now. They have lived here in a house they have rented since leaving the apartment and have lived in this house now for 15 months. Now they recently decided to move from here into another house. The new landlord of course ran a credit check thru a company called FABCO. We recieved a letter from FABCO today saying my kids owe them about $300.00 ,nothing itemized just we are collecting a debt for the last apt. (15 months ago) We left a forwarding address at the post office but we never recieved any type of notice about this.Now I called FABCO today and they said the $ was for water,electric,carpet cleaning and get this….they had to clean the furnace and the duct work!!! When I told him I had Sears come out and had the carpet cleaned he said oh well it wasn’t up to their standards and that there were bleach stains on the carpet when the kids moved in and that I had put that on the walk thru sheet he said do you have a copy of that and of course after 15 months and another move I don’t. I ask him if the apt. complex had it his response was no they don’t keep those.We paid the water bill seperate from the rent and I don’t believe the kids had thier own meter.Here in Columbus,Ohio all property owners do their credit checks thru FABCO. So are we just stuck paying this unfair bill just to get it off of the kids credit report or does anyone know what else we can do? I just don’t understand how their allowed to get away with this….it’s so unfair. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you in
Edited on: Friday, June 24th, 2011 1:59 am
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