Can the landlord charge me for damages after 30 days of end of lease?

By Lisa Richards

I moved out of a rental home the end of June and I will admit there was some damage done by my dogs to the carpets. They are trying to charge me for over and above the price of damages. I had an estimate done and it was no where near what they are asking. I never received a list of damages until October 23rd. This was via a certified letter for a civil action suit. I did give my landlords my new address before I moved via Facebook. This is the way my landlord and I have always communicated. 

First, I want to mention I am not trying to not pay them for damages. I just want to pay them according to my estimates and not theirs. 

During the hearing I had printed the Landlord Tenant act and brought it to the judges attention that I did not receive this information within the 30 days and should not be liable for damages. I had given the judge proof of the landlord receiving the address as well. She stated this did not pertain to my case since damage was done. 

I don’t see anything stating that! From all the information I have read online they are not allowed to sue for damages after 30 days. If that is the case how is it legal for the judge to rule in their favor? 

I am going to appeal with an attorney but want to make sure I am not overlooking something first. Any help would be appreciated.

Edited on: Monday, January 14th, 2013 6:38 pm

One Response to “Can the landlord charge me for damages after 30 days of end of lease?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


January 30th, 2013 10:18 pm

Hi Lisa. I believe the issue began with the amount your previous landlords are charging you for the repairs done on the rental home. Please understand that the amount will be the actual costs, not your or their estimate. Hence, you should have a copy of the receipts for the work done. Make sure that you have all needed documentation if you will pursue the case. Good luck!


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