can my landord evict me without cause?

By anonymous

I have been renting the house I’m living in for the past 5 1/2 years with my 2 children.  I recently asked my landlords for a rent reduction due to the economy and the fact that I have made most repairs to the house myself and asked them to do very little in the way of repairs or upkeep on the house I’m renting.  They request was denied and I paid the full amount of rent and sent a letter of existing reparis that needed to be done for example, recaulking to prevent leaks from tub and kitchen, a mold and water damage spot in my children’s bathroom, pipe rattling for 2 minutes loudly after any sink use or toilet flushes…..things like this, actual problems.  Several days later the landlord came to the house and asked to see the repairs.  I showed him a couple things in a professional manner and he became angry and a little threatening.  When I asked him if he was upset about something he began to use profanity at me and said that he would just rather I move out than bring up this B.S.  My small children were nearby and I became scared so I asked him to leave because he was becoming violent.  He left and I tried to call his wife to talk to her about the incident.  She has not called me back.  There has never been any bad feelings, nor any confrontations like this the entire 5 1/2 years I’ve lived here.  I am very worried now that they will try to kick me out which would be devistating to me as a single mom and my two young children.  Can this happen, and what are my rights?  What can I do if they try to kick me out because I asked them to do some repairs and it just made them mad at me?

Edited on: Friday, March 11th, 2011 9:52 pm

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