Can My Landlord do this? Problems with late fees
By ron
Here’s my story, My rent is due between the first and fifth of every month. I had a problem with work where my pay check was shorted and I would not have full rent until Oct 6th. I called my landlord’s office and spoke to one of her employees. I let her know what was going on, and she told me that as long as I paid the rent before the past due invoices went out, I would not be charged the $25 late fee. So I make my payment promptly the morning of the 6th, a few days later I receive a FINAL NOTICE (the only notice I received) from my landlor stating I had to pay a $50 late fee or be evicted. I called my landlord to tell her about the agreement I had arranged, she flat out told me she didn’t care and that the late fee is in the agreement. So I asked her why it was $50 when the invoice she sent me stated all late fees were $25 and her secretary told me it was $25. She again stated she didn’t care and that the lease stated it was $50. I am very concerned about their demeanor towards me and the situation. Is there anything at all that I can do about this?
Edited on: Tuesday, October 11th, 2011 9:03 am
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