Can my landlord charge me for this?
By Adam St John
If our house is haveing a bug problem because there were no screens on our door and windows for 2 months during the summer. The landlord had a carpet cleaner come in to hopfully kill the bugs in the carpet. The next day I get a bill for $250. Their reason is was that because there was dog fur in the house it proved that the dog was inside and that there were feces in the house. 1. Yes there is dog fur in the house and yes the dog is inside. 2. There is absolutly no feces in the house and never has been. We even vacuumed the entire house before the carpet cleaner came over. The landlord claims that is is not their responsibility and just sent me a bill and said it had to be paid in 5 days. I never told them to get a carpet cleaner I only told them about the bug problem. Can they charge me for this?
Edited on: Thursday, July 11th, 2013 9:04 pm
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