Can I get out of my lease?
My family moved into a house that belongs to a friend of the family. Her and her brother were left the house through inheritance. We finished out a one year lease then signed a lease for another year. However, her brother never signed the first nor the second lease. 2 months after signing the second year lease they put the house on the market. Our lease ends in November. We were under the impression we would stay here for years to come just by things that were verbally said to us. We do not want to have to move right at Christmas time and a few other houses in the same neighborhood are available now. Can we get out of this lease by arguing it was never signed by both lanlords? Also, we were never required to pay a deposit so its not like we will be losing anything there. I asked my landlord if she would let us out of the lease before November if we found another rental and she has not replied.
Edited on: Saturday, June 23rd, 2012 4:05 pm
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Can I get out of my lease?
By Sue
I have had to call the maintance out 15 times. They left a whole in my ceiling, from a leak upstairs, for over a week. They never fix anything completely and we have had mold on in here. Hey told us they would fix the walls with it and haven’t yet. There is still a whole in our apartment where you can reach out and feel the dirt. Can we get out of lease early without paying?
Edited on: Thursday, April 12th, 2012 10:51 pm
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