can I break my lease and move out early if my landlord decides to sell the home and get my deposit back?
By nicki
My land lord approached me about selling the home on craigs list. We made up a contract that stated that we could do a month to month lease. He was giving me compensation if I sold the home on craigs list. But when the house did not sell he decided to get a real estate agent. without my concent. So I moved out with giving them a 4 days notice. If I move out without a 30 days notice but give them the home back without damage and make it clean. Do they have to refund my deposit. I also told them if they would take the home off the market I know someone who would be willing to rent it.
Edited on: Thursday, March 7th, 2013 4:24 am
One Response to “can I break my lease and move out early if my landlord decides to sell the home and get my deposit back?”
celine March 7th, 2013 1:05 am |
Hi Nicki, Do you and your landlord signed a lease agreement or a verbal agreement telling you that you can get your deposit back if you move out? Normally it would take 30-40 days after you moved out for the landlord to give your deposit back or depends on what is stated on your lease agreement. You have to talk to your lawyer about this. If ever he will not give you your deposit back even if it states on your agreement that you can have it back then you can file a complaint with a mediating company like the RPA. |
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