Can I break a lease because of bed bug infestation? PLEASE HELP!

By Whitney

I am currently living in Boston, MA in a two bedroom apartment. I moved from another state, and moved into the apartment with my roommate on September 1st. Two days later bed bugs showed up. I’d never even heard of bed bugs before, but quickly realized what little monsters they were. Come to find out many apartments in the building are infected. The landlord has hired an exterminator that has come about 5 times now. My roommate and I are still being bitten, and there seems to be no end in site. We’ve had to spend nearly $1000.00 of our own money to even make the place livable, and I simply cannot afford the extra costs or the stress of the situation any longer. Is there anyway to legally break the lease without incurring penalty? I find it ridiculous that I’m paying full rent when the apartment building is infested, and whatever measures they’re taking are not enough. Thank you for any help you can give me.

Edited on: Sunday, June 19th, 2011 1:38 pm

2 Responses to “Can I break a lease because of bed bug infestation? PLEASE HELP!”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Dennis Gillerman

March 3rd, 2011 2:41 pm

I know that I just moved into a new apartment here in Phoenix , Arizona and I had to sign a 30 page lease which contained one page about bed bugs. This can certainly be a health issue and I would contact your county or state health department. I would also recommend going on to the Secretary of States web site to see if there is a publication listed as The Landlord and Tenant Act. It contains a bevy of information about your rights as a tenant. I hope this helps

Lilly Sir

March 18th, 2011 7:08 pm

I currently live in a two bed room apartment in spokane Washington with my mother. We moved in november 1st and the first bed bug bite we found on my mom in january. i am currently 33 weeks pregnant with my first child and i have talked to the land lords and an exterminator. for the last few months my mother has come very scared about the situation and we have tried many different pestisides. Im becoming concerned for my unborn childs health and i am looking very hard to see if it is legal to break my 9 month lease without any penalties. Can anyone help me I cant stay here any longer and keep getting bit like this. the landlord told us theat they exterminated a few apartments in this complex last year and they are tying to see if my mom and i brought them in. Please help i cant raise a new born baby in these condintions.


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