California Minimum temperature for habitability?
By Anon
Does Califonia set a minimum temperature for its warranty of habitability. I know of a circumstance where to keep the utility bills low the landlord insists on setting the thermostat as low as it can go (like in the 50s) and says everyone should just put on down coats.
Edited on: Saturday, November 27th, 2010 7:35 am
3 Responses to “California Minimum temperature for habitability?”
renter 2 January 4th, 2011 5:54 pm |
I have the same problem. Landlord lives in the same house and wants heater off. It was 52 degrees. I turned it on and she turns it right off. Says she can’t afford it. My rent includes utilities. I rent a room. |
Anger Renter February 24th, 2011 12:22 pm |
I have the same issue. My rent includes the utilities. The landlord, not owner, screams if “his” thermostat is touched. One time we put on the A/C because it was 85 degrees IN the house and he said, “You know, I’m going to charge you if you touch the A/C one more time,” I have a cat and I live in the hottest part of the house. So the 85 degrees in the rest of the house is 95 in my room. It’s unbearable. |
ColdInCA November 24th, 2014 7:38 am |
A landlord in California CANNOT deny a tenant heat, as per California Housing Law. Additionally, California Civil Code, Article 5, Section 34a states that all rental units and guest rooms must be kept at a minimum of 70 degrees fahrenheit. |
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