Breaking Lease but HUGE Landlord Problems

By Frustrated Tenant


Due to unforeseen circumstances, I need to get out of my lease by March 1. I told the landlord (verbally) that I was considering breaking lease. He told me that he would charge me a $2,600 realtor fee but would attempt to find a new tenant. I just found out today that he has listed this condo for sale. My question is this– I knew that by breaking lease I would be responsible for rent due if the apartment had not been rented out, but am I responsible if his attempt to finding a new tenant is to put the unit up for sale? That process takes considerably longer and I don’t want to be on the hook for months and months of rent (lease is up in November 2012) while he can sit around and get the price he wants on the condo. What can I do in this situation? Can he even charge me a realtor fee (there is no mention of this in our lease agreement)? Can he put the unit up for sale and then later go after me for back rent if he doesn’t sell it? Help!

Edited on: Sunday, July 22nd, 2012 12:38 pm

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