black mold in house

By Bert

My landlord knew about the black mold in my house and he still rented it. I’ve asked him to fix it , his reply was if you don’t like it move out. But he wants his rent. I have the rent, but myself and grandson as well as the upstairs tenent has been to the doctors and we all have upper respitory problems, and I have COPD and part of a lung removed. What can I do I don’t have money to put up for security deposits on a new place.

UN:F [1.8.1_1037]

Edited on: Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013 6:39 am

One Response to “black mold in house”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


January 28th, 2013 11:57 pm

Black mold is a big no-no when it comes to living in a healthy environment. Not only does it look ugly but it causes serious respiratory issues too. You can actually force your landlord to fix the issue by collecting samples of the mold and taking pictures of them and then sending them to your local health department. In most cases, buildings with black mold are deemed uninhabitable so your landlord will really be forced to face the situation; otherwise, close the establishment. However, if you’d rather let a mediator come in between, you’re going to pay a small fee of $39. RPA takes care of similar issues and they will be the one to prepare all the paperwork to force your landlord to act on those ugly black molds.


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