By Becky
OK so my family and I have been renting a house for 7 years in Montgomery County, PA~it’s a big farm house split into 2 dwellings. Everything has been great here BUT we have always had issues with our landlord, property management co and propery maintenance manager making repairs. This past summer a tenant rented the attached dwelling and NOW things are out of control. We’ve had the State Troopers to our home for vandalizime (sp), theft, touching and cursing at my children…ect. A couple of times I complained to the above listed people BUT realized that they weren’t gonna help me so I just suck it up….they’ve damaged the property, the fighting and cursing and the running up and down the steps ALL DAY AND NIGHT.
Well anyway we moved in and had a year lease, that expired and 2 years went by without a new lease. I needed to obtain a current one for my kids school and I was given a THREE year lease with some changes (we were granted access to the outer buildings and land for an increase in our rent) well my lease has been expired for a year and we got a new one….well EVERYTHING IS BEING TAKEN FROM US PLUS SOME. We no longer have access to any outer buildings and a very small part of the land, they are telling me I can’t have my kids trampoline, swing set, ATV’s ect. We are alloted a "PRIVATE" area…problem is that it is infested with poison and floods. Both my kids and I are allergic to it and my son has been hospitalized SEVERAL times becaues of it. So if I wanted to I can move all the new "NOT ALLOWED ITEMS" into this area so that the tenant next door cannot use them. NO lease that I ever signed banned any of these so we were never breaking any rules and the property manager KNEW we had them. So anyway NOW in the new lease the property management company states any and all of my family’s personal belongings left in COMMON AREA can be used by the tenant next door?!?!?! Can they do this?!?!?
We also have listed in our original lease that ONLY TENANTS FROM APT 1 HAVE SULL USE OF THE BASEMENT….THE AMOUNT IS INCLUDED IN THEIR RENT…well that would be me I am Apt. 1. Now they have taken the basement away and won’t deduct any money. They also state on the lease that they provide cold water BUT in fact the pump for the well is on my electric bill and supplies BOTH units, along with the sump pump. No money has been given back to me for this. I also asked to have my rent reduced for the lack of area we have now.
Another change…we paid a pet deposit for our 2 cats well now they are making us pay a monthly fee and I said I would unfortunately and sadly get rid of them BUT I want my pet deposit returned and again NO money has been given back.
We are under going a mold inspection tomorrow…we have black mold in the basement and have asked numerous times to get it removed and they refuse. Both my son and I are asthmatics, I have recently developed health issues along with my daughter. In a way I hope the results are NOT good so that at least I have a leg to stand on and maybe could find an attorney who would do pro bono work and sue the pants off of them (there are a multi billion dollar company)
We are now ONLY MONTH TO MONTH TENANTS!!! They will not give us a yearly lease and are refusing to give me a new lease every month for the school and the school has sent them a letter about this.
I understand that they have to the right to make changes BUT I think this is BEYOND extreme. Does anyone know who can help me??? HUD can’t, Legal Aid can’t, newstations can’t and I cannot afford an attorney.
Thanks for any and all help!!!
Edited on: Wednesday, July 17th, 2013 11:32 pm
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