being evecited on the 25th of oct. 2010
By lynne
I moved into my current home in 1998. I have lived here for a long while. I have put up with a family team during this time. The wife owns the house and I have gotten on fairly well with her. Due to economic situation in Colorado I was unable to make my rent for three months. I know, I know…that’s a long time for the landlord to put up with. They did not. I was served the usual three day notice and they went to court and I was served with eviction. I was able to make just about $2,000.00 of the past due money up to them. All seemed well. The landlady took the money and said I had time to make the rest of the payments by the first of November 2010. This did not happen. Now this normally would not bother me, but I’m on life support and can’t manage well with this while living in my car. I have asked for no acommodations other than some patinentce to finish getting the money together. I was to pay at least $2500.00 this week*. This was something I was working to do. I was told that her husbund, son, and son-in-law want me out NOW! I’m not sure but as far as I know Colorado has few or no provisions for someone in my postion. NO…there is no family or place to stay and I have no way to move out. I’ve tried to alk to the family but they have turned a totally deaf ear to me. It looks as if I will lose 98% of all my personal items and be put into life threating situation because of this whole mess. Any suggestions would be helpful. I’ll be looking for feedback at the library.
Last week on Sunday I was given another 3 day notice and then Monady another eviction notice to be out by 9:00am on the 25th of Oct..
Edited on: Friday, March 30th, 2012 2:11 pm
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