Bedbug infestion
By zackman101
My 62 year old brother moved in with my 60 year old brother 2 years ago wheb my dad passed away. He has no stomach, has to cath (because of a bad bladder surgery) and last December he fell and tore tendons in his shoulder. The apartment they lived in has cockroaches, waterbugs and the worst bedbug infestion you could imagine. He had surgery on his shoulder so he has to sleep sitting up. He also has a pin in his hip(he has soft bones becuse of no stomach and after the surgery the doctor told him it probably would not heal. Anyway he was afraid to say anything about the bedbugs and he had a right to be. He finally told the landlord and they were evicted. The building is from the 70’s and he remodels all the other places when the tenents leave. He has never done anything to the place my brothers lived in. They hd to leave most of there stuff and even now in the new place he has had 4 bugs on him. Please help because he also suffers from depression and this whole situation is affecting him physically, as well as mentally.
Edited on: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 7:29 am
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