Bed Bugs in the apartment
By Natalia Buriak
Hello, my name is Natalia Buriak. I found a bedbugs in my apartment. I told the landlord about it, and she sent a terminator who confirmed that we have those. Also, the landlord said that we are responsible for the cost of the Bed Bugs Treatment, because this is our fault. But this is an old building, and we leave above the laundry room. We did not go anywhere, so we could not bring the bugs with us. Maybe, they came from the laundry room or from the neighborhood. The problem is that there is a clause in our Residential Lease that says: "We are not responsible for the infestation of bed bugs" (meaning the landlord). They told us that they will send their terminators to our apartment to treat the bed bugs, and it will cost us about $800. We do not have such money, and it can not be our fault. How can we prove that this is not our fault to split the amount of the treatment at least by half or make them pay for it? Or maybe we can do the treatment by ourselves or find cheaper terminators?
Edited on: Friday, October 12th, 2012 8:54 am
No Responses to “Bed Bugs in the apartment”
Bed bugs in the apartment
By vikas shah
Edited on: Friday, February 10th, 2012 8:43 pm
One Response to “Bed bugs in the apartment”
Beatrice February 22nd, 2012 5:15 pm |
Hey, wow that was inconvenient. For this case yes the you can break the lease early because of the habitability issue though the landlord acted immediately about the issue. So if you are willing to break the lease and transfer to another apartment you may. Bed bugs are not controlled but can be eradicated anytime. |
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