Bed bug treatment: Who is responsible for treatment payment?

By trythis

Who is responsible for bed bug treatment in rental apartment in the state of Kansas?

Edited on: Saturday, October 6th, 2012 6:48 pm

7 Responses to “Bed bug treatment: Who is responsible for treatment payment?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


August 31st, 2010 7:59 am

Typically pest control can be the responsibility of the tenant. But bed bugs are different. Bed Bugs are not bugs are all, they are instead classified as parasites. So, that means that you don’t have a bug problem, you have a parasite problem. This is why the landlord is responsible for the treatment.

By renting a property that is infested with bed bugs, your landlord can be in breach of implied warranty of habitability. Bottom line, if you’ve got bed bugs and your landlord won’t treat at his expense, file a complaint. The RPA will help you get your landlord to treat for bed bugs at the landlords cost.


March 24th, 2011 5:50 am

When I rented out the apt, the apt is free and clear. Three months after renter moved in. My apt is infested with bed bugs due to a mattress purchased from renter. Whos responsible for treatment cost?
I have to replace the entire wood floor of the studio apt. Can I recover damages from renter? My lease indicates that any damages due to tenant’s negligence is tenant responsibility.
Please clarify. Many thanks

Michele Vance

April 18th, 2011 9:27 am

@ Ann – If it’s not too late, please consider another option before you replace the wood floor due to a bed bug infestation. Schendel Pest Services offers thermal remediation to rid you of bed bugs without requiring you to throw out or otherwise destroy your building or tenents’ belongings. Please contact us at 1-800-591-7378 or visit our website at for more information.


June 10th, 2011 2:58 pm

Hello, I am living in an apartment from more than 20 months. I recently found a bed bug, I immediately notified my apartment manager and scheduled for a treatment. Now apartment manager is saying I am responsible for treatment since they did not find any bed bugs in surrounding units. They claim that we physically transported this bug from somewhere. Please advise.



August 21st, 2011 8:59 pm

Staying in the Lakes at Lions Gate more that 3 years,Suddenly we found bedbugs and we called to Leasing Office and reported,They are asking us to fix the problem $1200 (For heat treatment)Why we need to fix and who is responsible for this? Due to poor management they fail to spray pesticides (at least once in 6 months) we throw the box spring as soon as we found the bedbugs.. now there are no bugs we found.Still Apt Office people are forcing me to do heat treatment and they scheduled by their own.As every body knows that LAKES AT LIONS GATE (Reviews) that management is poor and they never fix the problem on time. We / Lot of INDIANS are staying in LAKES AT LIONS GATE OVERLAND PARK -KS, there they never care about the compliance and fix the problems on time and never responds to calls and keep postponing to fix the problems.Since I am staying the same apartment since 3 years, they are asking me to fix that is not good.I am not able to pay that huge amount.My leasing agreement does not say any think about the bed bugs , But I heard that for new people they are adding that clause… it does not apply to me because I renewed my lease DEC 2010.Please help me.

kaila katuzny

June 22nd, 2012 5:31 pm

i have a bed bug problem and my landlord is saying that i need to sign a statement that i will pay for the exterminator. i did not have this issue until i moved in to this place. i informed the landlord about this issue months ago and he is now deciding to do something about it. am i really responsible?

Jim J Jones

November 10th, 2012 12:08 pm has also been caught on cam planting bed bugs in a neighboring apartment just so they could come in and treat in. I know I have the cam that caught them in Concordia KS. Anyone want to see it on Youtub let me know?

Bed bug treatment: Who is responsible for treatment payment

By anonymous


I am living in same apt since  last couple of years. Since last few days I noticed that we got bits …upon investigating I found some kinds of bugs which I never saw before and put them in a bag and reported  to my Apt complex management. They sent to some one for  insepection and he determined that these  are bed bugs.

Now Apt management wants me to pay for bed bug treatment..My question is -who is responsible for treatment payment tenant or Landord per Missouri state law?

thanks in advance.

Edited on: Friday, October 29th, 2010 12:25 am

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