Bed Bug Property Damage, who is responsible?
By Cherie
Los Angeles California:
For the past few days I’ve been discovering bug bites around my arms and ankles. I work in the veterinary field so I assumed they were flea bites, as this can happen on occasion. As the bites became worse and worse with more serious skin reactions (i.e swelling, redness and feverish) I shot and email to my landlord to discuss fogging my apartment (duplex) for bug infestation. I did not want to cause any problems for my neighbors so I wanted to discuss the possible fogging and if it would effect my neighbors if they needed to vacate etc. My landlord emailed me back stating that the exterminator was scheduled to visit my neighbor (with whom I share a wall) and he would have him call me. The exteriminator called me the next morning and told me my neighbor has bed bugs! Which have been coming through the wall and are now infesting my house! Everyone is telling me I need to replace my mattress, box spring and couch. I need to know if my landlord or neighbor is liable. They were both aware of the bed bug infestation had scheduled an exterminator to come by and did not inform me. Can I submit an invoice to the landlord and expect to be reimbursed for property damage?
Please help.
Edited on: Tuesday, May 14th, 2013 12:36 am
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