Bed beg Addendum

By Arthur Borrego

I question is my Landlord just added a this addendum to my Lease about bed beg if I get bed begs in my Apt. I would have tp pay all cost to remove them, and the cost to other apts too. The landlord wants me the Tenant to sign this Addendum  do think I should sign this.

Edited on: Tuesday, February 1st, 2011 1:55 pm

One Response to “Bed beg Addendum”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


February 2nd, 2011 8:24 pm

I don’t see why you need to pay for the removal of bedbugs, tenant. That’s their property and they are the ones responsible for keeping it safe and livable, are they not?
we have similar only they are more dangerous. We have wasps & hornets building nests in the attic of our dwelling. The landlord knows about, we’ve told them we’re extremely allergic to the wasps & hornets, and they’ve refused to call an exterminator since 6 months ago! If we get stung by even a dozen of them, we could likely end up dead. We have an allergic reaction a couple years ago, when we were attacked by similar flying insects and then only 6 of them stung us! We immediately had to go to a health clinic to be treated, where we were prescribed a Vaccine, injection, we’d have to give ourselves, if we were ever stung again!
We’re afraid we are going to end up dead here. We even contacted the city officials, the housing “safety” inspector, and were told that as long as the insects are “outside” it’s OK for the landlord to do nothing!
We are in the state of North Carolina, and they are notorious for doing nothing to safeguard their citizens here. I don’t know what to do. It’s so expensive to move, plus, though we’ve paid our rent religiously, & on time, the devious landlord refuses to even give us a referral, so we’re being put between a rock & hard place!


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