Apartment sublease agreement
By Any help or advice is appreciated
We were asked by a friend of ours to move into his 4 bedroom house when 3 of his roomates bailed on him. He needed help paying the rent and we agreed to split the rent & utilities with him. At that time his current lease was until December 2008 but, he asked if we would mind if he extended the lease until June 2009. We said that would be fine and would work out even better for us. Our only demand was that we be put on the rental agreement. He agreed and sent the landlord an email with our names and contact info. and asked that we be added to the lease and the other 3 people be remove from the lease. (as occupants). We requested to receive a copy of the new lease which included our names on a daily basis. He always had some excuse as to why he couldn’t get us a copy of the new apartment sublease agreement, but ensured us that our names have been added. He became extremly annoyed that we were constantly asking for a copy of the lease and told us on May 15th that he was moving out at the end of the month and told us that he already talked to the landlord and agreed to pay the fee to terminate the lease early. which we later found out was a lie. A couple weeks went by and he then suggested that he could leave the lease in his name but that he could not afford to pay half of the rent anymore since he wasnt working and his ex girlfriend was no longer supporting him. So he made us an offer that he could pay $600 if we would pay the rest including utilities starting July 1, 2008 We agreed to do that however if we were paying for all of the utilities that he would have to use wireless internet instead of wired connection because we work from home and he slows down our connection speed while he is playing games online and downloading movies, ect. The slower the connection speed.. the slower our business profits… the less money we make and we wouldnt be able to make the rent like that. He didn’t like what we had to say and June 3rd told us that he gave his 30 day notice and that he would be out on the last day of the month which would give us close to 30 days to find another place. He started moving his stuff out of the house and on the 4th shut off the phone, cable, and internet. We had to go to a hotel on the 5th so we could use the internet for work and to find a place to live. On the 6th we returned home to find a 3 day notice on our bedroom door. What are my rights in this situation? Is this legal?
Edited on: Sunday, June 8th, 2008 8:59 am
One Response to “Apartment sublease agreement”
Agent Paxton June 13th, 2008 10:07 am |
If you’re not on the lease, then yes, the landlord has every right to evict you. It is really the tenants responsibility to see that you are complying with the landlord’s guidlines. If you have an email showing approval from the landlord, then you should have right to remain in the unit. For situations like this, you may want to file a landlord complaint. |
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