Am I financially responsible for bed bug extermination?

By Spudnick

Am I financially responsible for beg bug testing/extermination?

I returned home yesterday afternoon and saw a bug crawling on my pillow, I googled bed bugs images and I’m pretty sure that’s what it was. I pulled the matress out from the wall to find many small ones and two more larger ones.

I have no bites that I can see or have been aware of. I vaccumed up all I found and flushed them down the toilet.

I contacted my landlord and he said he would set up an appointment for my apartment to be tested. He didn’t say if I’d be financially responsible for the test but did say I would be if they turn out to be bed bugs. What should I do? I expect to hear back from him some time tomorrow about when my apartment will be tested.

Will I be held responsible? Is there anything else I should know before talking to him again?

Edited on: Monday, March 18th, 2013 6:57 pm

One Response to “Am I financially responsible for bed bug extermination?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


June 7th, 2011 2:50 pm

The landlord will be held responsible for the pest free environment upon move in. But if it will be a quarterly pest treatments that goes beyond the landlord’s duty. Check out your lease agreement, if it was stated that it’s the landlord’s responsibility then you are saved, but I doubt it. Usually, it’s the tenants accountability for the said payment. You can visit the chat department of RPA to explain everything to you.


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