Access to Apartment for Future Renovations


After living a single year in our Boston area apartment, our landlord decided to move back into the property. When we moved in, we were told "she might make it a condo, but then you would have right of first refusal", so the idea of her moving back in never crossed our minds. Of course, she owns it, and it is fully her right to renew the lease. I should also say that she gave us plenty of notice, but of course we aren’t thrilled about (1) paying a broker’s fee for an apt we had for a single year (2) being pushed back out into an even worse rental market than we had last year. 

The actual issue is that she is planning on making major renovations to the place before she moves back in, which she has about a week to do. We actually offered to move out two weeks early, but she didn’t want to give up that much rent, so this single week is her choice (it was also her choice to not keep her current place for an extra month, as a matter of fact). She has been bringing in a contractor and architect to discuss the space. Luckily I work mostly from home, and have been able to be here for the two visits thus far (which didn’t seem like much). I have a cat, and even while I was here they were leaving doors open and terrifying me that he was going to get out. She is now asking if the architect can come back a third time to draw up plans. Thus far it is fairly within reason, maybe a little annoying, but nothing to complain about. However, I get the sense that she is testing how far she can go with this, so I want to be prepared for the slippery slope. My specific questions are:
(1) Is there any limit to the amount of time a landlord can spend in an apartment planning for renovations that are happening once the current rent-paying tenant moves out? 
(2) Is it legal/allowable for her to start making renovations before we leave? I’m concerned that it might come to that. 

Edited on: Thursday, July 18th, 2013 12:07 pm

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