A Rat for a Property Manager

By izzie

Have been a single family home renter for the past 2 1/2yrs, paying up to 1 week ahead every month prior to the first day of the following month a hefty renter amt for a termite and electrical hazard home.  Have two special needs children age 8.  Buying my own home moving in 8/1/11.  Sent email to property mgmt co. advising that my deal may be closing around the 15th of July 2011 and that I would be living the month of july 2011 as my last month deposit.  Deposit was 5K rent is 2.5K the balance I stated I understood would be returned after returning keys and the home in the same condition it was surrender to me.  Today I receive a threatening call from property mgr saying pay 2.5K before 5pm today or I will be at your door at 6Pm today serving you with an eviction 3day notice.  I did not respond and hung up.  Worse yet I do not have an active lease since the end of the first year of renting this property so he refers to a clause in that contract which states basically I couldn’t live it out for one month he would hold all of my 5k and if felt so would return any portions thereafter I have left. What a F…Rat! Sorry but I am pissed after this guy praises me on how I take care of the property and how happy he is with us as well as the owner.  What can I do.  I am unwilling to pay a dime and have a feeling he will try and screw my credit or something…eviction not so dumb and I know my renter rights to an extent.  Please advise…..


Raging Izzie

Edited on: Sunday, June 23rd, 2013 6:06 am

One Response to “A Rat for a Property Manager”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


June 28th, 2013 10:12 pm

Hi Izzie! So sorry to hear about your present situation. A landlord cannot evict you out of the rental unit with no valid reason. You can file a complaint against your landlord for wrongful eviction if that happens. You can call the police and tell them that you are afraid of your safety and your family if your landlord will show up on your doorstep without permission. You can also file a complaint against your landlord through the RPA.


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