Marketing/turnover fee


I gave notice in November to vacate my rental home at the end of December 2010 due to the fact that I purchased a home. My lease was through the end of April 2011. The management company and owner said they would let me out of the lease early but refused to market the property unless I paid a $500 turnover fee. I understood that I had an obligation for the property if they were not able to rent it. However, I also understood that this fee would be paid by the owner to the management company once I vacated at the end of the lease term and that the owner had the legal responsibility to mitigate loss by marketing the property to re-rent it. I was essentially put under durress to pay the fee; and, at the time I asked to be connected with the owner to discuss it which never happened.

Did the owner/management company have rights to require me to pay this fee? I paid it and they were able to find a renter for the month of December (earlier than the notice that I had given them) and for $75.00 a month in higher rent than what I was paying. They have essentially reaped the benefit.

 What can I do to get my money back? 


Edited on: Friday, January 7th, 2011 3:12 pm

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