Access to Fuse Box, Late Rental Fee & Right to Secure/Lock Apartment

By Kiwi

So.. I have just renewed my lease but my landlord added a clause that I must pay rent 5 days early (the 25th of each month instead of the 1st) or there is a $50 late fee, on top of which if I pay after the 1st there is an additional $25 late fee (total potential $75 fee for being 6 days late???!!!)  Is this legal?

I also do not have access to my fusebox.  It is in my neighbors basement/apartment.  If they are not home and I blow a fuse there is nothing I can do.  Is this legal?
I also have an issue with the security.  There is a basement below my apartment of which I only officially rent a portion (10 feet).  There is bulkhead/basement door access and the landlord reserves the right to come and go from that as he pleases.  However, I do not have a lock on the first floor door  which leads to the basement.  Is this legal?  Don’t I have the right to know my apt is locked regardless of the landlord’s coming and goings?
Thank you.
(Massachusetts resident)

Edited on: Saturday, April 14th, 2012 6:00 pm

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