30 day cancellation clause
By Cindy
Hi, My question is…..If I sign a yearly lease with a 30 day cancellation clause, does that mean that if I give my 30 days notice I am no longer responsible for the rent for the rest of the year after the 30 days. Thanks
Edited on: Saturday, June 22nd, 2013 5:43 am
3 Responses to “30 day cancellation clause”
Bethany June 10th, 2010 8:34 am |
I doubt it. If you are signing a 1 year lease then you are stuck in the lease for one year. The 30 day cancellation clause is most likely referring to the fact that if you do end your lease early you will be required to give at lease a prior 30 day notice. However, you could still be liable for the termination cost or fees for ending your lease early. |
anonymous June 16th, 2010 12:43 am |
If your lease agreement allows you to end your lease with a 30 day notice, then yes, you can end your lease without responsibility for the remaining months as long as you complete the termination requirements as explained within your lease. |
Jane July 5th, 2013 12:10 am |
Hi Cindy. You have to check your state laws and your lease agreement just to make sure that you can terminate your lease early and what are the fees and consequences associated to it. If it stated on your lease that you have to pay extra charges for the months that the rental unit will be emptied then you have to pay for it. |
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