2nd time for eviction at same house.
By Dorothy
Once again I was served eviction for being late with rent at from the same landlord at the same house. I was on my way to pay the rent on may 2nd when my landlord texted me and said "don’t forget the $80.00 late charge even know I was only 12 hours late. I told her If I have to pay the late charge I will pay on the 15 of the month since my rental agreement says $80.00 if late in month. It doesn’t say less if 12 hours late or more if 2 weeks late. The next day I recieved a 5 day notice and it said she wants the rent 0n the 10th or vacate. I dropped off a check in her mailbox on the 10th as she likes to be paid. The check was not cashed and a few days later I recieved a court eviction for May 29th. When I tried texting her about it she said I can just get out now and if any questions talk to her lawer I told her about the check I dropped off and she did not respond back and still never cashed the check. Now I have to go to eviction court. I already have an eviction on my record from this same landlady from 3 years ago when she put me through the same thing for being late and It was never even taken off my record even knowing I am still living here! I want to move but need time since I have a child who has a disability an is in 6th grade.
Edited on: Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013 6:00 pm
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